SaaS Customer Service Outsourcing


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SaaS Help Desk Outsourcing with BrazilDesk

BrazilDesk is a Brazilian call center with bilingual and trilingual agents. We offer Help Desk and Customer Service solutions for SaaS companies seeking outsourcing.

According to Exame, SaaS companies grow by 20% annually, yet the technologies of these companies are still utilized by less than 5% of SMEs.

“In Brazil, there are currently over 6 million small and medium-sized enterprises, according to data from the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae). Of these, fewer than 5% utilize SaaS (Software as a Service) systems, something that could optimize operations and reduce service costs. Faced with this reality, experts analyze that the Brazilian SaaS market still has room to grow by around 20% annually over the next five years.”

The B2B and B2U market for SaaS companies continues to expand, yet a challenge for many can be customer support.

Why outsource SaaS support?

SaaS is a business model that requires constant support and contact with customers to ensure their smooth and easy usage of the product you’re offering.

BrazilDesk is prepared to provide 24/7 SaaS support to ensure your customers make the most out of your product.

What are common issues for SaaS clients?

While our focus is Brazil and Latin America, we have agents fluent in English to address any demand.

When you start selling your product or service to various audiences, some recurring problems may arise, with many of these cases attributed to simple errors and misunderstandings, such as internet connection issues, common software user errors, and a lack of specific guidance.

That’s why our agents will guide your user through issue resolution based on the recommendations you provide. Upon resolving an issue, any valuable feedback will be relayed to your team to offer insights into how your customers are using your software and what improvements can be made to enhance service.

How long does it take to set up SaaS support?

The truth is, a well-trained support team for a SaaS company is required from the product’s initial launch.

As there’s natural growth, more agents are needed. This is also the case when there’s a more drastic change in your product.

Additionally, a sudden increase in customers can pose a significant problem if you’re not ready to handle many clients, so we strongly recommend you start looking into our outsourced SaaS support solutions at least a month before your product launch. On average, 3 to 4 weeks are sufficient for us to prepare your 24/7 team of experts ready to handle various types of issues.

Want to learn more about how we can assist with SaaS support? To get started, fill out your quote request now!

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