Portuguese Call Center Service - Multilingual Call Center

Outsource Customer Services in Portuguese

Are you here because you’re looking for a partner company that offers call center and user support services in Portuguese? BrazilDesk, a Brazilian company, is here to assist you in your search.

We’re based in Rio de Janeiro, and our native language is Portuguese. We help foreign companies needing customer support in this language. Below, we’ll detail our call center services.

We're BrazilDesk

Outsource customer support in Portuguese with us!

Founded in 2014 as a digital marketing company in Rio de Janeiro, we soon began assisting international companies with their needs in Brazil. It wasn’t long before we were asked to help with customer support in Portuguese. Over the next few years, we evolved into a call center dedicated to assisting foreign companies with customer service in Portuguese.

Our support agents are bilingual and even trilingual, with English as a complementary language. 

It’s estimated that there are about 280 million Portuguese speakers worldwide, with Brazil, Portugal, Angola, and Mozambique being the main countries.

Having a dedicated customer service team in Portuguese allows you to reach a broad range of users for your service or product.

Our Customer Support Services in Portuguese

Dedicated Customer Support in Portuguese

From native to native

The most important aspect of offering customer service in your client’s language is cultural proximity, and this is very important.

In Brazil, people prefer a more human touch in their interactions and complain about companies that isolate themselves in their language and neglect cultural considerations.

Providing a one-size-fits-all approach for different audiences is not a good idea, so our service is centered on your client, making your company seem local and more accessible.

Online Community Management in Portuguese

We can take care of your social networks

Many companies build loyalty with their clients on platforms like Discord, Telegram, and Facebook groups.

Having a fully human interaction on these channels is crucial, as on social networks. This online community support agent functions like a salesperson in a physical store, developing a relationship with the customer in the “real world.”

Our idea is to replicate this dynamic for the “virtual world.”

Live Chat Support in Portuguese

A more organic and direct communication

One of the most frustrating things for a user is having a great experience when acquiring a product or service but then encountering a problem and having no one to talk to or no one who speaks their language.

The use of chat has become very popular lately, mainly because of support bots, but they can’t replace a human on the other end, which leads to frustration and makes the company seem indifferent.

Offering live chat in Portuguese will make a huge difference in how your client perceives your company.

What are the benefits of outsourcing customer support in Portuguese?

The benefits are numerous. Here are a few:

Market share growth: It’s not enough to invest millions in marketing and expect everyone to use your service or buy your product. People can choose another company with just one click, and many entrepreneurs forget this. When you decide to outsource dedicated support in Portuguese, you strengthen your relationship with people who might otherwise look for an alternative due to communication issues.

Cultural proximity: Depending on the type of service and product you offer, it’s crucial to understand how those users and clients use your service, how they view your brand, and their needs. This is an investment that yields a significant return because, by serving a country like Brazil, your clients in the country can show you additional services they need, allowing you to meet an otherwise unknown demand. The closer this relationship is, and language makes all the difference, the better the future for your business and your clients.

Effective globalization: Have you ever thought about how recent it is to be in multiple places at once? In the past, only large corporations with significant investments could globalize, and it used to take years. Today, newly born startups can have clients all over the world, which is why offering dedicated support where you see growth potential is essential.

customer support outsourcing brazil
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Outsourcing customer service in Portuguese will take your business to the next level!

With BrazilDesk, you can have a dedicated support team for Portuguese speakers, reducing any language barriers and elevating your product to millions of people. Are you ready to take this next step?

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